Alan Sepinwall of Hit. Fix. com is the dean of 'Treme' deconstructionists. The post is one in a series of Q& A interviews with members of the online "Treme" community. It contains season one spoilers. Credited by no less than Slate. Internet era, Alan Sepinwall of www. Hit. Fix. com devotes some of his apparently unlimited energy to weekly deconstructions of "Treme.". On Sepinwall's popular What's Alan Watching blog for the site, you'll find excellent episode deconstructions for a vast number of series, plus interviews and breaking TV news.

As of April 2. 01. Twitter followers. Who are you and why and what do you blog about “Treme”? I'm Alan Sepinwall, TV critic for Hit. Fix. com, and I write about "Treme" because writing about TV shows - particularly complicated dramas of the type that David Simon makes so expertly - is what I do for a living.

Did you miss the second season premiere of Showtime's "Masters of Sex" last night? That's OK, you can watch it here. Starring Michael Sheen and Lizzy Caplan, Sunday. Writingof Daniil Kharms ed & tr Matvei Yaklevich Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press 2007. Daniil Kharms, the key figure of second-wave. Old Woman, The by Daniil Kharms.

Where and how often? I write about every episode, with reviews going up on my blog usually right after the show finishes airing on the East Coast. Who reads the posts? Fans of the show. Some are from New Orleans, most are not.

What kind of reaction do your posts get from readers and commenters? Mostly positive. Some people disagree with me on certain aspects of the show, both negatively (some "Wire" fans have been reluctant to accept that Simon is doing a show this different) and positively (some viewers feel I've been too hard on the Sonny character). Do you tweet? If so, what’s your handle? I tweet @sepinwall. Nice and easy. What’s your connection to New Orleans, if any? None. Have always wanted to visit, and have never been able to make it work for one reason or another.

I came for Simon and company, but the show only makes me want to come even more. Have you noticed that “Treme” is not “The Wire”? Indeed I have, yes. But I knew that going in. There's no police investigation to provide a narrative hook to this show, which makes it less accessible than "The Wire" was (and it's funny to imagine any show being less accessible than "The Wire"), but I don't think that makes "Treme" a bad show by any means - just a different one. Watch Home, Sweet Home Putlocker#.

When is “Treme” at its best? When it lets its extremely talented cast of actors strut their stuff and put a human face on life in the city post- Katrina. Also, whenever the characters are playing (or in some cases hearing) live music.

When isn’t “Treme” at its best? I definitely had issues with Sonny in the first season. I get the point of the character - not everyone who comes to this city with the dream of being a local music star actually has the talent to pull it off - but I feel his story was both so repetitive and so unpleasant that I was glad whenever his scenes ended.

What were your favorite moments from season one, musical or otherwise? I could list an awful lot - Janette as the Mardi Gras fairy, Davis calling his shot in the finale, Albert's daughter running into her friend at the parade, Ladonna finding her brother, Toni finding Creighton's suicide note - but the one that I feel sums up the show the best is Antoine running into the Japanese businessman again in the Mardi Gras episode and telling him about what he did with the trombone, and the relief and delight at how his new friend from halfway across the world understood and approved of it.

It said so much about the power of music, and of tradition, and of how the two can help us deal with unspeakable loss. Favorite character(s)? I like virtually all of them (Sonny excepted), but Wendell Pierce is just so damn charming as Antoine that I have to put him at the front of the line. What are your expectations for season two? Watch Crash Online (2017) on this page. I'm glad that we're going to see more of David Morse, and to see more of the police perspective on the city.

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I think I'd like to see a little more of a narrative through- line to this season than the first one. There doesn't need to be the equivalent of the task force investigations each season on "The Wire," but now that we've gotten to know these characters and this world, I wouldn't mind just a little more forward momentum to some of their parts of the show. Antoine in season one, for instance, didn't so much have a storyline as an ongoing situation.) And so long as it's not forced, I'd like to see a few more character intersections - to see, for instance, Albert get to interact with a regular character besides his son. Watch Disaster Movie Online Free 2016.

Dave Walker can be reached at dwalker@timespicayune. Read more TV coverage at nola. Follow him at twitter.

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