Watch Dogs 2 Graphics And Performance Guide. By Andrew Burneson Mon, Nov 2. Featured Stories, Guides, NVIDIA Game.

Works. Watch Dogs 2 has received excellent reviews on consoles, and now the PC edition is available on Uplay and other digital distribution services. Featuring a stylized recreation of San Francisco, the game boasts plenty to see and do, and on PC its incredible amount of content will be rendered at a significantly higher level of detail, and be further enhanced by PC- exclusive visual effects. In total, Watch Dogs 2 features 1. PC gamers expect to find in the latest releases.

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Furthermore, its graphical fidelity is bolstered through the addition of HBAO+, HFTS, PCSS, TXAA, and at a future date, Ansel. Additionally, gamers who play on Ge. Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes Episodes Free Download. Force GTX GPUs benefit from the inclusion of support for DSR, Game. Stream, Ge. Force Experience Share, SLI, and Surround. In this guide you can examine the impact of Watch Dogs 2's graphics settings on image quality and performance, see examples of the aforementioned technologies in action with screenshots and interactive comparisons, and discover how fast our range of GPUs run with settings cranked up far beyond the level of detail possible on other platforms.

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To start things off, and give you an idea of how Watch Dogs 2 looks with max settings enabled, check out our Watch Dogs 2 PC technology trailer: Download a higher- quality version of the tech trailer here. Guide Contents. System Requirements. Pre- release, Ubisoft recommended Ge. Force GTX gamers gear up a Ge. Force GTX 1. 06. 0 for an excellent Watch Dogs 2 experience at 1. Minimum System Requirements. CPU: Intel Core i.

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S @ 2. 5 GHz / AMD FX 6. GHz. GPU: Ge. Force GTX 6. VRAM: 2. GBRAM: 6.

GBOS: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8. Windows 1. 0 (6. 4- bit versions only)HDD: 5.

GB free space. Recommended System Requirements. To discover how the Recommended System Requirements fare in real- world testing, be sure to check out our Ge. Force GTX GPU benchmarks later on. Watch Dogs 2 Graphics Settings. Watch Dogs 2 includes 1. VSync options PC gamers expect to see in games.

Below, we've thoroughly examined each and every option, demonstrating their image quality with interactive screenshot comparisons, and their performance with benchmarks. Additionally, we've tested overall game performance on many Ge. Force GTX 9. 00 and 1. Series GPUs, revealing the framerates you'll receive at Ultra settings at the three most common gaming resolutions. Ambient Occlusion. Ambient Occlusion (AO) adds contact shadows where two surfaces or objects meet, and where an object blocks light from reaching another nearby game element. The AO technique used and the quality of the implementation affects the shadowing's accuracy, and whether new shadows are formed when the level of occlusion is low.

Without Ambient Occlusion scenes look flat and unrealistic, and objects appear as if they're floating. In Watch Dogs 2, players can choose from three Ambient Occlusion techniques.

The first, HMSSAO, is a Ubisoft- developed modification of SSAO, seen in the original Watch Dogs under a different name, and as "SSAO" in Assassin's Creed Syndicate and other Ubisoft titles. Of late however HMSSAO has fallen out of favor following the introduction of the newer and better Ubisoft- developed SSBC, seen on PC in Far Cry 4 and Rainbow Six Siege, and in most of Ubisoft's current- generation console games, including Watch Dogs 2. For the PC release of Watch Dogs 2, we've worked with Ubisoft to implement the game's third AO option, HBAO+. A higher- quality technique, HBAO+ leverages the capabilities of modern PCs to render more detailed, more precise Ambient Occlusion shadowing, enhancing virtually every scene in the entire game. Subtle details that previously lacked shadowing are layered from the world around them with HBAO+, and the accuracy and fidelity of all existing AO shadowing is vastly improved. For exemplification of these benefits take a close look at the interactive comparisons below. You'll see richer contact shadows around the smallest of objects and details, improvements to shadows rendered by HMSSAO and SSBC, and much more.

Outdoors, HBAO+ offers similar benefits, adding natural shadowing to tufts of grass and other pieces of foliage. In the interest of fairness, it's worth pointing out that HBAO+ does trade some long range AO shadowing for improved short and mid- range detail (noticeable when comparing HBAO+ to HMSSAO), but in our opinion this is a worthwhile exchange given the greater visibility of game elements in the foreground. Up close, only HBAO+ can correctly account for the position of the sun and current conditions, correctly adding darker AO shadows to the underside of geometry. In the bright urban areas of San Francisco, Ambient Occlusion has less of an influence on image quality than in many other games, though if you look closely it's still working away to add shadows and depth to every object, surface, and piece of geometry.

Performance: Performance for a specific effect fluctuates from engine to engine, and here in the upgraded Watch Dogs 1 Disrupt engine we find Ambient Occlusion to be a comparatively 'cheap' effect, costing at most 5 frames per second. And as all three AO techniques run at similar speeds you can choose the technique you like the look of most.

In our opinion, HBAO+ delivers the best overall effect, while HMSSAO offers increased AO visibility over long ranges, though not with great accuracy. SSBC, meanwhile, offers improved indoor AO shadows compared to HMSSAO, but below the quality of those from HBAO+. Ultimately, the choice is yours. A technique called "Temporal Filtering" can be activated to significantly improve performance in Watch Dogs 2, and on two occasions in the course of our testing we found this setting to affect the deltas between options in a setting.

For Ambient Occlusion, the following chart shows performance when "Temporal Filtering" is enabled. With the reduced cost of HBAO+ in this mode, and the generally improved level of performance, HBAO+ and SSBC are far cheaper to enable, making them suitable for virtually all systems. Bloom. For the majority of Watch Dogs 2 "Bloom" has a negligible impact on image quality, adding only subtle detail to select interior lights, and bright light around the Sun, which doesn't affect the game's lighting when disabled. Performance: Costing less than 1 frame per second, "Bloom" is a nice- to- have setting, but is by no means essential given its minimal contribution to overall fidelity. Depth of Field. Out of focus, stylistic depth of field blurring occurs during in- game cinematics and scripted moments, when aiming at enemies with weapons, and when game elements are in front or behind the focal point of the player's adjustable third- person camera, as shown below. Performance: "Depth of Field" can cost a few more frames during in- engine cinematics, but for the most part you're looking at a couple frames per second during general gameplay. Extra Details. If you wish to improve object and geometry detail as far as the eye can see, "Extra Details" is the setting for you.

Be warned though, CPU load and draw calls will increase considerably, potentially bottlenecking GPU performance, in turn decreasing the framerate by a significant degree. In the interactive comparisons below you can see the improvements to distant terrain, foliage, trees, cars, street scenery, rooftop objects, building windows, building geometry, and much more. You can even observe road markings being rendered from further away, car windows becoming transparent to render the interiors of vehicles and the drivers within, and extra shadows and Ambient Occlusion shadows being rendered through the addition of new detail. In addition to increased image quality and immersion, from being able to see more 'stuff' at once, the other benefit of "Extra Details" is that you reduce pop- in, fade- in, and visible level of detail transitions when traveling quickly through an environment.

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