Four Ways to Reprogram your Subconscious Mind. Recently my 1. 6- year- old son bought a bunch of new music on i- tunes and because we share the same account, all of his new music ended up automatically downloading onto my phone. Next day when I jumped into the car and hit play, instead of acoustic surf grooves I got heavy UK rap. I quite enjoyed it for the morning, but got to thinking how he would feel if I loaded his phone up with all my music. Imagine if 9. 5% of the songs on your player were actually downloaded from other people’s playlists without you even knowing it? And what if the vast majority of those came from your parents?

Changing Your Subconscious Blueprint. Let’s review the simple instructions that will allow you to go into Deliberate Creation Instant Self-Hypnosis almost instantly.

Would they match the music you want to hear and create in life? In a recent conversation with cellular biologist Bruce Lipton, he drew this same comparison when speaking about the subconscious programs that each of us take on during the first seven years of our life – how these patterns and beliefs shape (and in most cases limit) our reality and how we can shift, change and re- write these programs to become more powerfully conscious co- creators of our life. Conventional belief was that your life to a large degree was determined by your heredity. The new science of epigenetics (“above the genes”) says, no, your life is a result of your participation and your mind’s influence on what’s going on. Bruce Lipton. The Human Petri Dish and Our Mind as the Master Chemist. The stem cell science Bruce worked on in the 1.

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Put identical cells into three different petri dishes, and by changing the chemistry in the culture medium they are sitting in, you change the actual genetics and behaviour of cells (for example,  one becomes muscle, one bone, one fat cells). According to Bruce, the human is like a giant skin- covered petri dish of 5. The culture medium in our body is the blood and the “chemist” who controls the composition of the blood, by adding and taking things away, is our mind. The cells receive their information about whether to grow, contract, live or die, based our mind’s perception and interpretation of reality. The challenge is that each of us see and perceive the world in a different way. If two people are watching the same sunset, one looks out and says, “This is a friendly wonderful place that supports me and I am a healthy happy human. The other one sitting right next to him says, “This is a scary place and I have no idea what my future holds.

I’m afraid.” They’re both in the same environment but their liver cells are receiving totally different messages – ultimately affecting the behaviour and genetic activity of the cells!“Whatever I am perceiving out there I will manifest a physical complement to it in here. So if I have a healthy vision, my mind’s chemistry converts my body into health. If I live in fear… Fear causes 9. And it’s all generated by the perceptions of the mind. The picture you hold in your mind creates the behaviour and biology you express in life.” – Bruce Lipton. So Who Controls the Mind?

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In simple terms, according to Bruce the mind is divided into two main aspects – the conscious and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is made up of our surface thoughts, wishes, desires and aspirations.

The subconscious mind is the realm of our automatic and habitual thought patterns and beliefs – the stuff we do when we don’t even know we’re doing it.“Right behind your forehead is the pre- frontal cortex – the centre of consciousness. Your identity versus anyone else’s identity. This is your conscious mind. The other 9. 0% of the brain was there before the conscious part evolved, that’s the subconscious. In the subconscious, things happen below your awareness, below (or “sub”) consciousness.” If we’re driving along the highway talking to a friend in the passenger seat, our conscious mind is the one engaged in the conversation. Our subconscious mind is the one who keeps automatically doing everything needed to drive the car. While your conscious mind is reading this article, your subconscious mind is taking care of everything else – breathing, blinking, taking a sip of tea without burning your lips.

According to Bruce, when we are fully present, focused on what we are doing in the moment, the conscious mind is driving the bus. But as soon as we start thinking about something other than this moment right here, our subconscious programs kick in to keep things moving and keep us safe. Now here’s the crazy part. Because of how much time we spend thinking about something other than the moment we are in, science suggests we are running our default programs about 9. And while some of these programs are positive, empowered and helpful, psychologists believe that majority of the default programs most people run are disempowering, self- sabotaging and limiting.

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Where do these subconscious thoughts and patterns come from? Most of our subconscious programming comes from the first seven years of our life. From the last trimester of pregnancy to age seven, we exist mostly in Theta brain wave space (a.

We are essentially sponges. Our model of the world is formed by how we experience our reality, and how we see our parents and other key influences respond to life. We learn subconsciously how to act when we’re happy or angry, what it takes to make money, how best to express love, when it’s safe to laugh, to sing, to shine… and when it’s not. We take these messages in from our surroundings and they become our automatic, under- the- surface view of reality. We will continue to form new subconscious patterns as we grow in age (think of any habitual movement or skill you have mastered) but the undercurrent of these patterns and beliefs are mostly set when we are young.

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The best way to identify what subconscious programs you’re running is simply to look at your life, because, as Bruce explains, it is made up of ‘the program’ 9. Your life is a printout of the program. The things you have in your life that you love are because you have a program that allows you to accept those things into your life.

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Anything you work hard at, struggle over, have to put a lot of effort into and it’s difficult, is because your programs don’t support that in your life. Your conscious mind is reaching for it, but something in your program is holding it at bay. The effort and struggle you feel is in trying to override a program.

You’re working hard because you want it, but the undercurrent of belief says, “It’s not going to happen.”So how do we change the programs we’ve been given to create more of what we really want? Bruce shares four specific methods and one overriding principle: Hypnosis – We can recreate our Theta state of receptivity and use it to re- program our mind in a more conscious way. And the cool thing is that each of us have access to this state of being two times every day where we can effectively ‘hypnotise’ ourselves – just before falling asleep and just as we are waking up. Watch The Theatre Bizarre Online Freeform. As we are drifting off, the mind moves from its active Beta state into Alpha and then Theta before eventually dropping into Delta as we sleep. The Theta window is our most receptive state and responds well to the visions and suggestions we hold in this space. Listening to subliminal tapes at this time is one way to begin overwriting limiting programs with the new beliefs and behaviours we want to experience.

Repetition – Here’s an interesting fact: the subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between what’s vividly imagined and what’s real.

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