Reasons to Ditch Your Television. Tweet. In 2. 00. 6 (according to a report by Nielson), the average American household had 2. That same average household owned 2.

Yep.  On average, American households have more televisions in the home than people living in it. I guess the good news is that on average we can now safely watch whatever we want, whenever we want, without having to share or spend time with anyone else. An average family of four can each sit in different rooms and watch different television show at the same time.

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What could be more American than that? The same 2. 00. 6 report showed that the average American watches 4 hours and 3. So at the very least, it looks like we are getting our mileage out of all these televisions.

Note: According to this 2. Nielson, it appears that last year the average increased to over 5+ hours per day. As an average? Like… every day? It’s mind- boggling how much television and it’s programming has become a default (and accepted) part of our society. I know it’s been that way for decades, but it still blows my mind. Our roller- coaster love affair with television…Over the last few years we’ve gone back and forth on the television front.

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Prior to our decision to sell everything and move overseas, television played an important role in our life. It’s tough admitting that, but it’s true.

Television (and watching movies on television) was our primary form of entertainment. On the other hand, during our year traveling abroad we rarely, if ever, watched television. Obviously we didn’t own a television, but even when we stayed in places that had one (like our apartment in New Zealand) we just never turned it on.

For starters, we weren’t familiar with the majority of programs. But more importantly, television simply wasn’t part of our daily routine. So even when it was readily available, we didn’t automatically default to it for mindless entertainment as we had done in years past. Earlier this year when we made the decision to spend 6 months back in our home region of Indiana, a television was one of the first items we acquired. At first, we just got it for movies – or so we claimed.

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But we got sucked into a cable/internet combo package as we went to hook up our internet. So once again, we were back to life with cable television. To start, we just watched one show together – American Idol. Then, occasionally, I’d watch a sports game or two. Then we started watching another series… and then another. A few months in we had half a dozen shows we “watched as a family”. We had nearly one show for each night of the week.

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Last month, we once again downsized as we moved from our 3- bedroom house we were renting into our new, temporary 1- bedroom apartment. One of the first things to go? The television. After a fresh month without the magical box of mindless entertainment, Courtney and I have been reminded of the reasons we love life without television so much. I’m not claiming we’ll never, ever have a television in our house. But here are 1. 1 reasons why we aren’t going to be rushing out to purchase one anytime soon: 1.)  More Conscious of Entertainment.

One of my biggest griefs with television is how quickly and easily it can become the default option. Maybe there are people who can control it better, but whenever I have a television available it seems to slowly, but surely become the default option for any downtime I have. One reason for this is because our society sets it up to be that way. For most of us, our living rooms are built around one main feature – the television. It dictates where the other furniture goes and how the room is set up. When we consider moving into a new apartment or house, most of us walk into a empty living room and first think “the t.

It’s our first priority in one of our most lived in spaces. If you’ve followed this blog for more than a couple weeks, you’ll quickly realize I’m a big fan of conscious, intentional choices.

I’ve come to be able to admit that the majority of my television watching tends not to be a conscious, intentional choice. Sure, there are certain shows or sports events I actively and passionately choose to watch. But then there’s the hours of time before and after where I just drift in and out… surf for something to distract me so I can “veg” out. Increased Creativity. Along the lines of the first reason, the less access to television I have the more creative I become. Without television, I find myself practicing and playing the guitar more.

We read books more. We listen to more music as a family (rather than having the television on in the background). We play more games together – a much more intimate and active form of entertainment.

You may be different, but I find that the more creative the form of entertainment – the more happy I am. Lack of television as the default option forces you to brainstorm more diverse solutions. Sure, we sometimes can find ourselves simply replacing television with another dominating option (think online games or internet surfing for example), but eliminating or drastically reducing television is a step in the right direction for us. More Active. In addition to increased creativity, our entertainment also tends to be more active by nature without a television. We go outside more. We are more likely to take a walk or play a game outside. We are more likely to stick to exercise plans and spend more time cooking (rather than opting for the quickest option we can eat in front of the television).

Heck, we even run errands more often. Rather than putting off and piling up small to- do’s, we actually take some evenings to knock a couple of them out.

At the very least, this gets us out of the house, moving around, and reduces the number of stressful “to do list” weekends. Better Sleep. An article I found on Psychology Today pointed out that when surveyed, between 7. TV in the hour before they went to sleep each night.

Is there any doubt in your mind that this negatively affects both the amount and the quality of sleep? There’s not one in mine. For most of us, there are far more effective techniques for “winding down” than staring at a television screen. But, once again, television is usually the easiest and most readily available. So we go with that.

I know this for sure:  without a television I generally go to bed earlier and sleep better. It may not affect my habits every single night, but access to a television increases the chance I find myself channel surfing at midnight. My brain seems less restless and more calm if I can avoid television (and the computer) for at least an hour or two before bed. Deeper Conversations. One of the greatest benefits of not having a television has come in the form of deeper and more meaningful conversation with both Courtney and Milligan.

We don’t sit down and have philosophical talks every night. But I’ve noticed a sharp increase in the amount of times Courtney and I have put Milligan to bed and then gotten lost in a two hour conversation. No tv. No computer. Simply sitting and talking. Sometimes over important topics… sometimes over random ones. I really love it. I’ve noticed the same increase in quality conversations with Milligan.

At 2. 5 years olds, she’s at a critical crossroads for her speaking and reasoning development. If you give her the chance, and truly engage her, you’ll be amazed at how long she’ll carry on a conversation (and where it’ll end up leading). The sad truth is that this happened far less frequently when American Idol was on last season. When Milligan grows older, I doubt she’ll remember who finished third in Season 9. Neither will we. 6.)  Reality is Reality.

Reality television. Blah. I’ve noticed a trend with people the last few years. Everyone I know talks badly about reality television. The talk about how it’s not real, how the people are fake, how stupid a form of entertainment it is… and then they watch it regularly (me included). As a culture, we have an obsession with programming and/or shows we view as “real” or that we can “relate to”.

But the truth is that 9. Watch Steppin: The Movie Online (2017).

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Dog's Best Friend. Ep 2. 5 - . David comforts a drunken and depressed Gina outside the After Dark, and she responds with a kiss. David and Dylan spend the weekend in Las Vegas, where Dylan has a one- night stand, but lets the woman believe that he wants to see her again.

David, disgusted by Dylan's behavior, gives the woman their address when she inquires about a visit. She shows up just as Dylan and Gina are on the verge of getting back together. Dylan believes that David is in love with Gina and shouts that he can have her, unaware that she is standing outside. Dylan apologizes and tells Gina that she should find a man who is capable of a relationship. Kelly arranges some dental work for Gina; Mel notices decay that indicates that she is bulimic, but Gina denies her problem. Matt shows Noah a report that proves that Mr. Hunter was aware that a new partnership would harm the environment.

A devastated Noah decides to help Matt prepare the case. They discover a memo that exonerates Noah's father, as he demanded that the project be shelved. Mr. Hunter's associates had hidden this information so that they could pin the blame on him. Donna decides not to move in with Noah.

She sneaks around with Wayne, justifying her behavior by claiming that she will still end up with Noah if they are meant to be together. Steve and Janet try a computer matchmaking service. Dylan calls Kelly from a coffee shop and asks to see her, as he is considering getting high. While walking from her car, she is brutally attacked by a man with a knife, who shoves her into an alley and rapes her.

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