The One Thing Julia Roberts Hated About Making Her New Movie. This weekend movie fans will get the opportunity to see Julia Roberts in a way that we haven’t seen her many times before, playing a vengeful mother and FBI agent in the American remake of Secret in Their Eyes. Not the normal type of role America’s sweetheart is prone to playing, it also required one thing of the Pretty Woman star that she wasn’t entirely comfortable with, she had to carry a gun. Though the 4. 8- year- old actress referred to the change of pace role as "refreshing" in an interview with In Style, in their conversation about the film, she also revealed that packing heat was not something she is overly fond of.

Julia Full Movie Part 1

She said. I had to use a gun a few times and I didn’t like it. I do not like guns. I realized when I have a gun in my hand I am really unhappy. It’s funny because the one time I felt like I didn’t have an inner tough girl was when I was in full uniform and had a gun. I don’t think I could ever do a Western film. It would be a disaster.

While Roberts views her character, FBI Agent Jess, as a mother, someone who puts family first above all else, which is something that drew her to the role, there are obviously elements that took her out of her comfort zone. She did say, however, that this presented an additional challenge, and gave her something more to work on with the role and the character. Directed by Billy Ray (most known as a screenwriter of movies like Captain Phillips and The Hunger Games, though he also helmed Shattered Glass), Secret in Their Eyes follows a tight knit group of investigators, Jess and her partner, Ray (Chiwetel Ejiofor), along with their District Attorney supervisor Claire (Nicole Kidman). They’re torn apart when Jess’ teenage daughter is brutally murdered for no apparent reason. Ray discovers a new lead that could solve the case, but Jess some ideas of her own. Check out the trailer below. With a great cast like this, you’d think the studio would want to flaunt Secret in Their Eyes, but it almost seems like they’re burying it.

It didn’t start screening for press until very recently, and there are almost no reviews out there yet — and it didn’t make a stop at any of the prestigious fall film festivals like many other entries. Even though a November 2. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay—Part 2, which is going to own the box office landscape probably until Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I can’t decide if I think this move is intended to hide the movie or if it’s supposed to be counter programming — like maybe adults will go see this while the kids go watch Katniss incite a revolution. However this shakes out, we’ve only got a couple of days before we find out.

Julia Full Movie Part 1

Julia Stiles on Riviera, Sundance Now's New Thriller Series. The 1. 0- part thriller Riviera, available at Sundance Now (AMC Networks’ premium video streaming service), follows Georgina (Julia Stiles), a high- end art curator who’s newly married to billionaire Constantine Clios (Anthony La. Paglia) and living in the south of France when he’s killed in a yacht explosion.

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Julia Full Movie Part 1

Julia" is the story of a fascinating woman, told from the point of view of someone who hardly knew her. That is, I realize, an unkind judgment against Lillian. The 10-part thriller Riviera, available at Sundance Now (AMC Networks’ premium video streaming service), follows Georgina (Julia Stiles), a high-end art curator who. The One Thing Julia Roberts Hated About Making Her New Movie. Directed by Nora Ephron. With Amy Adams, Meryl Streep, Chris Messina, Stanley Tucci. Julia Child's story of her start in the cooking profession is intertwined with. Julia Roberts Can't Wait for Her Daughter to See This Movie of Hers. Julia Scarlett Elizabeth Louis-Dreyfus (/ ˈ l uː i ˈ d r aɪ f ə s /; born January 13, 1961) is an American actress, comedienne, and producer. Watch Mackenna`S Gold Online Mic. She is best known.

After his death, Georgina discovers that the man she thought she knew and the fortune that he maintained were tainted by dishonesty and criminal activity, and that Constantine’s ex- wife (Lena Olin) and three children (Dimitri Leonidas, Iwan Rheon and Roxane Duran) are more aware about his questionable dealings and their enemies than she is. During this 1- on- 1 phone interview with Collider, actress Julia Stiles talked about how Riviera came her way, why the project appealed to her, the experience of living and working in the south of France, what made her most nervous about this character, exploring the complicated character dynamics, how she felt about the way the seasons ends, and whether there will be more episodes. She also talked about when she’ll return to work, after having a new baby, the fond memories she has of 1. Things I Hate About You and. Save the Last Dance, and what she looks for in a project. Image via Sundance Now. Collider: How did Riviera come about?

Were you actively looking for a character that you could sink your teeth into for a bit longer period of time than you get to with a movie, or did this just come your way and the script was too enticing to refuse? JULIA STILES: It was one of those lucky things where I just got a call from my agent, asking me to read the script. I was at the airport on my way home from filming the Bourne movie, and I really was struck by the premise. I like Neil Jordan’s work and I was excited that he created the show, and the first episode grabbed me. When I asked him what his inspiration for the show was, because I wanted to know that the scenes we would be exploring would be interesting enough beyond the beginning and into 1. If you could distill the show into one thing, I thought that was an interesting idea to explore. And I’m sure the beautiful locations didn’t hurt either.

STILES: It was a delight to be living and working in the south of France for seven months, and to get to see it from the height of the tourist season into the fall and the winter, when it was a little quieter. It was totally a dream, but I wanted to make sure that I’d also enjoy the work part of it, and it was so rewarding. They were really responsive to my input. Every day, we were in a gorgeous location. It was pretty spectacular.

What were you most excited about, with a character like Georgina, and what were you most nervous or worried about with her? STILES: I was really excited when it became clear to me that Georgina is not to be underestimated, and that she would turn into an anti- hero and do some questionable things because of the circumstances that she’s in. I was also really interested in the art market part of it, the fraud that’s discovered, and the forgery with these paintings. I majored in visual art, but I also think the business side of it is fascinating. And then, I was scared about it being a bit of an unknown when you sign on for a TV show.

It’s quite a commitment, which can be great because you’re working with the same people for a long period of time and you get to explore a character for a longer amount of screentime. Watch Hierro Online Facebook here. But a lot of times, you don’t really know what the ending of a season is gonna be because they haven’t written it yet. It’s a bit of a leap of faith, in terms of knowing what you’re signing up for.

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